James: Half of the Thunder!

Last week’s “doubled-up” lesson revealed the brothers, Simon (Peter) and Andrew, two distinct personalities.  This week, we’ll discuss the first in another pair of brothers, James, brother of John.  And we’ll learn through this week’s reading of Chapter 4, the Jesus had his own nickname for these brothers, “Sons of Thunder”.  I won’t give away the entire “punchline” behind the nickname, but hopefully you’ll understand completely after reading this week’s section!

Jason Schubert will lead us this week in covering James.  Focus your efforts on the two stories that our author covers in this week’s chapter.  And if you’re a “momma’s boy”, you’ll especially like the second story in the chapter!

Gather on Friday starting at 7:30 am.  Jason will lead us beginning at 7:45 am.

Have a great start to your week!

Peter and Andrew: Sibling Rivalry or Not?

Recall that the “great snowstorm of 2018” here in Charlotte pushed back our plans to meet last week.  So this week, we’re doubling up on our study’s chapters about Peter (Chapter 2) and Andrew (Chapter 3).  Ironically enough (or not), it’s great that we’re going to be talking about these two brothers this week.

Some of you, like me, grew up with a sibling, perhaps a brother or two.  The Bible is not clear about who is older, Simon (Peter) or Andrew, but all indications seem to point that Peter was the elder of the two.  He’s more polished, shows more leadership, and quickly becomes Jesus’ right hand man.

As we’ll learn this week, however, it’s Andrew who makes the initial introduction of Jesus to his brother, Peter.  Andrew hears about Jesus from John the Baptist, and then has a period of following Jesus, and then alerts Peter that “we have found the Messiah”.

It’s almost as if Andrew wants to lay claim to finding Jesus….first.

“Look at me….look at me,” is maybe what Andrew runs telling his brother.

But we know how the story unfolds, right.

Poor Andrew…...

More on these brothers this Friday!

Bring your coffee and your seat belts!  We’re going fast this week!

Gather beginning at 7:30 am.  Rob Miller will kick off the Peter lesson at 7:45 am.

See you then!

Waiting on Peter another week…..No FMMF on Jan 19th…!

The Cornwell Center will have a delayed opening this Friday of 10 am due to the winter storms that hit the Charlotte area.  As such, we are going to post-pone our FMMF this Friday.

NEXT Friday, we’ll double-up on lessons….so please come prepared!  Rob Miller will lead us in the lesson on Peter for about 20 minutes.  Then, Mike will pick up the scheduled lesson on Andrew that same morning, also for 20 minutes.  It will be a fast & furious FMMF on January 26th!  Come prepared to buckle in tight!

Hate to miss our lesson this week, but better to stay off the roads, especially early in the morning when the ice is still very present.


Before Balboa…..there was simply…..the “Rock”…..to whom Jesus would build his church

This week, we tackle our first apostle:  Peter.

Many of you already know much about “Peter”….but what do we know about “Simon”?   Simon, according to some scholars was anything but a leader of the church.  Yet, Jesus knew that Simon had potential.  He changed his name to Peter….”Petros” in Greek which translated means “a piece of rock, a stone”.

Peter is always mentioned as the leader of the apostles but you might not know that he was actually selected third when Jesus was walking around with His “follow me” invites!   Homework this week is to concentrate primarily on Chapter 2 of our study.  Supplement your reading with the corresponding workbook sections for Peter as time permits.  Our “rock” this Friday will be Rob Miller, as he introduces Peter to our fellowship.


And the Lord said, “Simon, Simon!  Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat.  But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren.”  LUKE 22:31-32

See you this Friday!  Gather starting at 7:30 am.  Rob will begin the lesson at 7:45 am.


Choosing Ordinary Over Extraordinary

Last week, we introduced our new series, Twelve Ordinary Men, in rather quick fashion.  Now, in our second week, we’re doing what most men do when it comes to taking a journey:  We’re going to circle back around along the same path all over again!

This week, our homework is to read the Introduction and Chapter 1 all over again.  Great news if you didn’t get that done last week….and even better news if you were worried you’d be falling behind right out of the gate.

As you read this week’s assignment, think about a few things:

  • First, Jesus chooses the twelve not because they were famous, smart, powerful or even wealthy.  Why do you think this was the case?
  • Next, read 1 Timothy 3:2-7 and write down the qualities that Paul says are prerequisites for being a leader in the local church.  Think about which of those qualities would not have been present in the disciples when Jesus first chose them.
  • Finally, how can we balance out the understanding that God delights in choosing ordinary nobodies (like us) but yet has high expectations for us at the same time?

Lots to cover this week and it’s a long reading.  Remember to break it apart, if you must, and save time to go ponder the three questions above.

Mike Lenhart will lead us again this week.  Gather at 7:30 am at The Cornwell Center.  We’ll begin the lesson promptly at 7:45 am.


Come in from the Cold!

Happy New Year!  And what a chilly start to the new year, here in Charlotte!  Bitter cold weather continues!

But there’s hope….and this Friday you’re invited to “come in from the cold” as we kick off a new year and a new series:  Twelve Ordinary Men by John MacArthur.

This week, Mike Lenhart will lead us through an introduction of the 12-week series.  If you’ve purchased the book already, your “homework” is to read the Introduction section and Chapter 1.  Bring the corresponding workbook if you’re purchased that as well.

Do you have a favorite apostle?  If so, consider picking one Friday or two as a particular week’s leader.  You can sign up via the FMMF Charlotte “SignUp Genius” page at this LINK.  Six of the twelve weeks are currently covered …. but there are six more Friday’s that need ownership!

We’ll see you this Friday beginning at 7:30 am where we gather in fellowship.  Lesson One kicks off at 7:45 am.  Bring your own coffee.  Meet in the front parlor room at The Cornwell Center.

FMMF…..it all starts with “fellowship“!
