Thinking and Thanking

I always take stock during Thanksgiving week about what I’m “thankful” for in my life. I probably posted a similar message last Thanksgiving, and the year before….and the year before…

As I scrolled through the pictures on my iPhone, I quickly concluded about several things I’m thankful for…friends, workouts, new life, recreation, service to others, wide fairways and Army football. But most of all, I’m thankful for this group.

Enjoy your time with family and friends. We’ll gather next Friday, DEC 3rd at the normal time. I’m finalizing a guest speaker for 12/3.

I have confirmed Dr. Leighton Ford, brother-in-law to Dr. Billy Graham and currently leads a Christian-based mentorship group called “Leighton Ford Ministries” from here in Charlotte. Dr. Ford just turned 90 years “young” and is not slowing down. Dr. Ford will speak to us on DEC 10th.

Lastly, start thinking about potential books for our next study series. We’ll continue to discuss ideas and will make a decision before the end of December.

See you next week!


Winding Down 2021

Seems odd to be saying this, but we’re fastly approaching the end of another year….and making plans for 2022.

I’ve sent out new recurring Zoom invites for next year. We’ll start our 2022 “season” on January 7th.

For the remainder of this year, here’s what the schedule looking like:

NOV 19: Breakfast fellowship at Community Matters Cafe (7:30 am)

NOV 26: No meeting. Thanksgiving break

DEC 3: Guest speaker

DEC 10: Guest speaker

DEC 17: Christmas themed lesson and announcement of next study series

DEC 24: Holiday break

DEC 31: Holiday break

JAN 7: First gathering of 2022! New series begins.

Enjoy the rest of the week! Reminder that there’s no Zoom option this week since we’re gathering at a restaurant.


Talking about the P-word

Did I get your attention?

The “P-word”….. it was all over the news about a year or so ago. “Privilege”.

Even this week, with elections around the country, the “p-word” seems to still be lingering around the news cycle.

But, truthfully, privilege is both confusing and crystal clear to me. I really look forward to our discussion this week. I know there are many sides to this issue.

As always, I love the nuggets from our author. Early on in the chapter, Tyson writes:

“But that’s not the way of Jesus. As the Son of God, he had more privilege than any of us will ever know. As the Son of Man born in a stable and laid in a manger, as the Messiah with no place to lay his head, and finally as the Lamb of God hanging on the cross, he gave us privilege to a more profound extent than anyone else could ever match. Yet in all of this, he modeled for us what to do with our blessings and opportunities; use them for others.”

-Jon Tyson, page 131

Jon Paschal

This week, please read Chapter 8: Sacrifice Must Resist Privilege.

Jon Paschal leads us this week. REMINDER that we’re fully virtual this week over Zoom. No Treehouse as I will be joining you all from Arizona….with hot coffee due to the 3-hour timezone difference!

I’ll see everyone at 7:30 am ET…..4:30 am Arizona-time!

I need a nap just thinking about that!
